Qimniq, Klengenberg’s wife, was an Inupiaq from Point Hope Alaska. Prior to the family’s permanent move to the Inuinnait region in 1916, Qimniq had of course been sewing clothing for the family following the Inupiat traditions of design and construction. She taught this sewing tradition to her eldest daughter Etna, and when the family moved into Inuinnait territory the two continued producing Inupiat style clothing.
Shortly after their move Etna had a Inupiat style parka sewn for a woman named Manigogina in the tree river area. Women in the area began to use the pattern, and this parka style became very popular among Inuinnait. As the parka required more skins than traditional Inuinnait patterns, and as the “Mother Hubbard” cotton cover for the inner parka required store-bought cloth, ownership of such a parka was a mark of affluence. The Inupiat style clothing patterns came to completely replace the traditional Inuinnait styles, and are today considered traditional dress.
Click on the images below to magnify them.

Qimniq Klengenberg and her two daughters, on left Lena, on right Etna, 1924. (Library and Archives Canada/PA 172875)

Qimniq Klengenberg, wife of Charlie Klengenberg, 1924. (Library and Archives Canada/PA 172882)

Inuinnait Clothing, Front View (Diamond Jenness/CMH/51234)

Inuinnait Clothing, Back View (Diamond Jenness/CMH/51235)
Inuinnait Overcoat
(Library and Archives Canada/C86071)

For more information on Inuinnait clothing design, visit another virtual exhibit, Patterns of Change: 150 Years in the Life of the Inuinnait Parka, or download the Patterns of Change guidebook in English or Inuinnaqtun.