In 2018, we founded our own social enterprise to begin to create a reliable stream of income for Inuinnaqtun revitalization. Kaapittiaq is our social enterprise's first commercial product.
Kaapittiaq means ‘good coffee’ in Inuinnaqtun. We source green beans from Indigenous farmers around the world and transform them into the Arctic’s finest brew.
This Inuit-Owned business is an experiment in how Indigenous-run businesses can support their communities' economic, social, and cultural growth by providing independent funding for programs that are doing local good. Through partnerships with other Indigenous businesses and their social missions, Kaapittiaq creates a coffee that lives up to its Inuinnaqtun name in both its taste and commitment to the communities it serves. Each year, 75% of Kaapittiaq’s profits support the revival of our language and culture.